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How to order contact information

contact information on the site Bridge of Love

In this post, we will demonstrate how you can order contact information on Bridge of Love. Read carefully to get the premium dating experience!

Why order contact information?

Communication on our website is the priority of our Bridge of Love team. This service is available to any client, who is ready to start communicating online using their mobile devices and personal computers at any time. However, we know that at some point our customers can decide to continue the dialogue at their own risk beyond our website. Such a decision is logical and not surprising as it represents the next step in your relationships.

At the same time, we want to warn you that after you finish using the Bridge of Love dating services, we have no control over the future communication between you and your partner. Think carefully whether you are ready for it. If you are, we wish you good luck and will be sincerely happy if your relationships are successful. Please, remember to leave a comment about your “happily ever after” on our website. If you are not ready to take all the responsibility for your relationships, then it is better to stay on the safe side, meaning on Bridge of Love.

What happens after you order contact information

When you purchase the contact information on our website, we will immediately contact our partner dating agencies. They (our partners) will be financially responsible for providing the objective and relevant personal data.

What is the contact information?

The contact information contains a girl‘s mobile phone and her e-mail. If the girls feels comfortable about it, you can also get her mailing address as well as her Skype.

How to order contact information?

To order the contact information, you need to meet some preliminary uncomplicated conditions. Their presence is dictated solely by our experience in online dating and our desire to protect you and all other clients from unexpected incidents.

To purchase the girl’s contact information you need to satisfy the following conditions:

1.Ordering a girl’s contact information can be made only after obtaining her consent. The girl has the right to refuse to issue you her contact information.
2. You also have to write at least 18 letters to the girl.
3. You must have chat with her for at least 360 minutes.
4. You need to have at least 450 credits to order a girl’s phone number and email.

If you think that you meet all the conditions above, you can go to the girl’s profile page and click the “Call me now!” button. 


You will see all the information in a pop-up window that will either prove that you are ready to get a personal information or not.

 How do you know that you ordered personal information successfully?

  1. 1. You have minus 450 credits on your account.
  2. 2. In the Order history page, you will see an order with a unique serial number in the Payment type column called Contact info.
  3. 3. The status of the order has to be “Order submitted”.

Things to consider

If you want to buy the contact information of several girls, the pre-conditions must be met for all profiles. Also, remember that it can take up to 10 days before you get all the required information.  Release of the contact information is made within 10 days. During this time we and our partners check the actuality of the girl’s contact details several times. 

Please note that in the process of issuing of the contact information, we use the services of our partners from the marriage agency in which the girl is registered. In some cases, we can not guarantee strict compliance with all the rules of the issue of contacts by our partners. If this fact for you is not acceptable, we recommend you not to use this service. You can either agree with the fact of participation of the third party in the sale of services or stop using it. 

Credits are written off your account at the time you ordered the contact information (clicked the button "Confirm"), and not when you receive it. All disputes can be resolved with the administration within 30 days.

Also, the website's administration can reject your contact information request if your profile is not full. We care not only about the relevance of the contact information but also about the safety of all the girls registered on our website. In case we reject your request, you will get a refund for all the credits spent on the purchase. The customer does not have a right to apply for the credits refund if his communication with a girl beyond Bridge of Love was not successful.

A client who requested the contact information of the girl should be ready for a call from a girl in appointed time on site, as well as call or SMS from the administration if there will be any problems.

Final remarks

  1. 1. We do not consider complaints regarding the issuance of the contact info: it's non-receipt, irrelevance or inaccuracy in terms that exceed 30 days from the date of issue
  2. 2. We can not guarantee the relevance of data issued after the expiry of 30 days.
  3. 3. We do not repeat issued contacts that by your words were not received or have lost their relevance if after your purchase there were more than 30 days
  4. 4. We never take responsibility for any evidence of deception, fraud and so on that can occur when communicating with our customers is beyond the site.
  5. 5. In dealing with complaints we do not use any information from external sources to prove one's blame or excuse.
  6. 6. The girl caught you in cheating with facts of proof in communication and the contacts beyond the site have not to be removed or punished except the cases where the facts of cheating were proven by us in the verification process.
  7. 7. We do not remove profiles of our girls after the issuance of contact information to a customer except the cases when a girl herself wants to be deleted from the site. Consequently, the fact of giving contact information does not guarantee the fact of the removal of girl’s profiles from the site and the customer has no right to demand it.
  8. 8. We do not give information about who else but you have been given or not given the girl’s contact information.