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There are tons of international dating sites available in the Internet now, and there are millions of beautiful young Russian girls who want to meet a foreign man. Most of their profiles state that they do not care about his social status, financial situation, appearance, age, height, weight. All they care about is love. Well, it is hard to resist a girl with such needs, isn’t it? But once you decide to sit down and choose a girl you want to write to, and potentially spend the rest of...
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Since the world of online dating has become so popular and common among pretty much everyone on the planet, the issue of interracial couples has also been very relevant. If you live in such countries as the USA, France or England, you no longer get surprised when you see a white woman with a black man. Nowadays, it is perfectly normal to date a man or a woman of another race, and the majority of people have accepted it. What attracts black men in white women and vice versa? Actually, it ...
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What is it about Russian girls that so many men from all over the world want to date and marry them? What is this global obsession about? Clearly, if you are asking this question, you have never dated a Russian girl in your life, otherwise you would have already married one. Well, let us explain this phenomenon for you then. To make the long story short, men are obsessed with Russian girls, because they are beautiful, hot, sexy, attractive, seductive, charming, sociable, polite, educate...
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Let’s admit it: all of us get nervous on a first date, and sometimes even on a second and third date. Sometimes we get so nervous, we start saying complete nonsense to a person standing next to us, and it often leads to failures. Well, one of the solutions can be drinking something soothing before the date, but then you risk being misunderstood. We have a better option for you: read this article and learn several phrases which you can say at any moment during the date and create a right...
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Every man by a certain age has a type of a woman he likes. Surely, no man can resist a slim young attractive girl who has a great style in clothes, does not use too much makeup and is just fun to be around. However, while some men tend to like brunettes, others are more in favor of blondes or even redheads. Same goes for the length of a girl’s hair, even though in the majority of cases men prefer longer hair on a woman. It is an interesting thing, but longer hair always makes a woman l...
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