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Biometric passports are now the reality for Ukrainians.

On the January 1 , biometric passports came into force in Ukraine

The law on biometric passports signed by the President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, came into effect on December 6th . The passport will include an embedded chip with biometric information: Photo of a person, fingerprints and information about the citizen from their current passport. At the same time, the information from biometric passports enters the Unified State Register of population , which is an electronic information and telecommunication system designed for the storage, processing, and using information about a citizen of the state. Also, according to the law, such information is confidential, and its non-disclosure is guaranteed by the state.

Every citizen of Ukraine, regardless of age, must obtain a biometric passport. Even newborns will receive biometric passports ( which will replace birth certificates). Biometric passports will have to be updated every 10 years. In addition, an amended version of the low guarantees individuals the right to refuse biometric passports by reason of their religious beliefs.