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All you want to know about russian mail order brides

All you want to know about russian mail order brides

A recent research conducted by Americans has showed incredible results - a great number of American men prefer Ukrainian and Russian women over American women. They look for ways and opportunities to meet women from Ukraine and Russia. Most men try to find the one through online dating web sites or Russian mail order brides agencies and services, but there are also those men who are more adventurous and directly go to Russia and Ukraine hoping to meet a wonderful woman who would get interested in him. But why are Ukrainian and Russian girls so popular among American men? This is the question that makes most American women restless.

The truth is that the extreme popularity of Slavic women is not without reasons and they are absolutely different.

  • It is obvious that Ukrainian and Russian women are naturally beautiful and attractive but they also take good care to look gorgeous all the time. Most European and American women will prefer casual clothes over exquisite clothes and high heels. But this is what Ukrainian woman would prefer. Ukrainian women would do everything to make their men proud of being with such a beautiful lady.
  • Most American men do not consider that American women are feminine. Popularity of feminist movement has resulted in the fact that women have simply forgotten that they are women. Fighting for independence and equality with men, they have turned into men – they lost their feminine nature. Most American men believe that feminist movement has taken away women’s feminine nature and greatly influenced their marriages in a bad way. A man is not attracted by a woman that is not feminine even if she is very beautiful.
  • Russian and Ukrainian women let a man to be a man. They are not trying to do everything on their own and appreciate men’s help.
  • Russian women are confident and modern. They are smart and in most cases well –educated. However, even having a good education, most women in Russia would prefer family and children, leaving breadwinning task to their husbands. Russian women have strong sense of family values and traditions. Family and friends are above all material things. Being with this kind of women, you can be confident that you can always count on her support.
  • Russian and Ukrainian have a deep sense of respect. This is something that comes first in relations with other people. Probably, one of the reasons why it is so important to most Ukrainian and Russian women is the way Russian men treat them. Slavic women want them to respect first of all because of who they are and not because of how they look or what you can get from them. Insincerity is not forgivable.
  • Russian and Ukrainian women will make you creative as to get their attention you need to stand out. She will not be surprised by how much money you earn or where you live. Probably, even an American woman would not be amazed by that taking into consideration their desperate fight for leadership and managing positions. A Russian woman will respect you for what you have achieved but this is not what will make her want to be with you. You need to be a little bit more creative to attract her.
  • Russian and Ukrainian women are honest and straightforward. They will always tell you directly what they want and what they think. You will not have to ask yourself: what have I done wrong? Most women have this awful habit of not telling the real reason of being upset or annoyed. A Russian woman will tell you directly what is wrong. You need to be ready for that as not being used to that, some men find it a bit shocking. But, in fact, this is a really good thing when building relationship.